Wednesday, August 24, 2011

to valeria kuzmina where you live 22 49 38 astoria

Do you remember when you came from Florida in 2006, this picture is from when you used to live in my house, because of the green card for you and your mother look what happened, look what you did to me. Only you started all these problems in my house. When you see that computer whatever you wrote, everything inside that computer, everything is saved. If the police come I'm going to give them my computer for an investigation. Remember one thing if I see you with somebody I will tell them the way you are and what you are looking for, only for the green card. All these problems all because of you only you. You have a lot to lose. You remember you look nice in this picture but now you look like shit because you don't have anything any more because your mother Olga helped you.

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